How can learning & development data be of service in staying ahead of the game?

Learning and development data

For the last decade, large and medium-sized organizations have had specialized data teams to respond to the challenges of AI and data science. Placing data at the heart of an organisation means that it must invest beyond specialists. Join us to learn about the stakes of data democratization and discover how to make data accessible to as many people as possible, in as simple a way as possible.

More and more organizations place data at the heart of their organization and data nowadays drives decisions more than ever. Learning & Development professionals are moving into this direction as well and look for systems and partners to make learning data accessible, interpretable and simple to navigate. At Archipel Academy, artificial intelligence (AI) sits at the heart of our All-in-one learning platform which allows us to serve our clients better and provide more efficiency.

  • Decentraliza “Click, learn and focus on the job.” The All-in-one learning platform gives ALL employees excess to a platform which empowers them to become future proof and an even greater asset to the company.
  • Democritization: “Think about the product, never forget the people.”The dashboard in our All-in-one platform generates provides insight in the learning behaviour and needs of employees and allows management to better understand the development needs of the company to become “fit for the future”.
  • Demultiply: “Data should not ensure more products, but higher quality of products.” The All-in-one platform will provide organization with opportunities that were not visible without having the data the system generates.

How can data help you?

Life is unpredictable. In our information society, we tend to expect to have an answer to every possible question. If only we work hard enough, collect tons of data and analyze it to pieces. François-Xavier Pierrel, Group Chief Data officer at JCDecaux, stresses: we cannot predict everything. He even turns this desire to know it all around. Because in his opinion, the unexpected might not even be that bad. On the contrary: the unexpected can even be extremely positive.

Pierrel proposes to aim for the capability to respond to certain scenarios, instead of trying to predict them. He says data is here to help us to create the capacity to respond to all scenarios as well as we can with the means available. This way, we can not only react to crises, but at the same time maintain our organizational growth, by using data.

Putting data at the heart of your organization helps you in ensuring your ability to respond to all scenarios, not only accurately, but also effectively. So how does an organization create an achievable and successful data strategy?

Protecting and preparing your Castle

At JCDecaux they started out by using the acronym of CASTLE: Collect, Activate, Structure, Transform, Leverage and Explore. Not only because of these actions, but also because of the meaning and function of the word. Since firstly, you fight from your castle. You protect your home, your base, from all and any danger and threats. Secondly, in order to do so, you need to prepare and provide your castle for battle. For example, training your people. It’s all about anticipating needs.

So how can data be of service in staying ahead of the game? And how do we implement using data in our organizations? Pierrel and JCDecaux created the D-strategy. The steps of this approach are Decentralization, Democratization and Demultiply.

  • Decentralization: “Click, learn and focus on the job.” Data should not be kept in just one place, but instead be disseminated throughout the organization. This way, everyone understands their roles. Pierrel believes markets should be empowered by data. In doing so, data is implemented as a service. Employees need to be able to use it as a tool.
  • Democritization: “Think about the product, never forget the people.” The value of data has to be understood by the organization as a whole, says Pierrel. Every employee needs to be aware of its purpose and how data can help them. Because data ensures the right product is delivered to the right teams. This is where the importance of people comes into play. Because the operational excellence of data is a commitment of people. They are the key in optimal data utilization and should be facilitated in using it to their advantage.
  • Demultiply: “Data should not ensure more products, but higher quality of products.” Using data is all about combining technology with opportunities. Where opportunities arise, technology will help us grab them. And vice versa: data will point out new opportunities to us, which might have been missed without the use of technology.

Surprisingly, Pierrel seems to conclude his vision on data by stressing the importance of people. The key to using data effectively is facilitating employees with the right information and the knowledge on how to use it. It’s not about predicting the future, but adding value to the market. In doing so, Pierrel advises to give it time. Within every strategy, it takes time to get everything right. Even, or especially, with such a fast moving product as data.

Surprisingly, Pierrel seems to conclude his vision on data by stressing the importance of people. The key to using data effectively is facilitating employees with the right information and the knowledge on how to use it. Archipel Academy gives employees exactly that key which leads to the right information and knowledge to be used to their advantage and the to the advantage of the company.



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