Getting started: activation and implementation

We’ll make sure the implementation of the learning environment goes smoothly and that you know exactly how this process works. Our consultants will work with you to install the portal, helping you put your organisation’s learning objectives into practice.

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The roadmap

What’s next? Implementing a learning environment usually takes a lot of work, but at Archipel Academy the process is much more efficient. As a result, the turnaround time is a lot shorter (6-12 weeks) and by the time the implementation is complete you’ll know exactly how things work.

Image demonstrating how activation and implementation of the LMS works.

Start-up phase

In the first phase of implementation, we define the scope, discuss the approach and phases, and send a quote. Then we sign the partnership agreement and get started.

Image demonstrating how activation and implementation of the LMS works.

Design phase

The second phase consists of a kick-off with the project implementation team. This team is completely at your disposal. This is followed by a meeting with your direct contact person and a design session to set up the portal according to your preferences.


Image demonstrating how activation and implementation of the LMS works.

Realisation phase

In the third phase, we set up the all-in-one learning platform according to your organisation’s requirements and create links between the existing infrastructure and the platform.

Image demonstrating how activation and implementation of the LMS works.

Test phase

The platform is about to go live! This phase is all about testing and making the final preparations before it all goes live.


Image demonstrating how activation and implementation of the LMS works.

Go live phase

The platform is live! Let the learning begin. Have you encountered any unexpected issues? Then please be sure to get in touch with your contact person. They will help you as quickly as possible to make sure that your organization’s platform runs smoothly.

Unlimited growth

So, the platform has been implemented. Nothing stands in the way of your employees’ development now. We will encourage your employees to engage with the platform using effective, creative and innovative calls to action. The road to limitless growth is open!

Would you like to know more?

Our advisors are here to answer al your questions en provide you with the relevant information.


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